Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Traditions in China

Foot Binding
Originally foot binding was only practiced by the wealthiest classes in China.  When a women had her feet bound, it often suggested her social status and represented that they did not take part in manual labor. By the 17th century almost all Chinese women, rich or poor, had their feet bound. 
Chin bound feet
Chinese Chopsticks
The first recorded history of chopsticks was in the Shang Dynasty's - Book of Rites 2000 years ago.  Then, they were in the form of twigs.  During the Ming Dynasty they were called kuaizi and were even then used as eating utensils.  They were often used by Hans and other minority groups in China.  Some things they were made of in the past were: branches, bamboo, animal bones, ivory, bronze, and iron. 
Chinese Knots
In China knots have been used for many things including fastening, wrapping and even recording events.  While made popular in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese knots were developed during the Tang and Song Dynasties. Traditional Chinese phrases are assigned to each knot that is made.  They are often made as gifts or ornaments. 

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