Monday, December 10, 2012

What Gangnam Style Did to China

What Gangnam Style Did to China

Political Activist Ai WeiWei, created a parodyto the hit Korean song "Gangnam Style", in order to protest his arrest which took place in 2011. In the video he wears handcuffs, to show how he His video was banned from the internet by Chinese officials, which led to an even bigger revolt led by British Artist Anish Kapoor called "Gangnam for Revolution".

The video, created by Kapoor, is to advocate freedom of expression for Chinese Citizens. The video went viral fast and soon gained support from all different human rights organizations (if you look in the video in the beginning, they are all written on the white banner background.) He like Ai Weiwei, dances with handcuffs, symbolizing the restaint and persecution so many Chinese people face.

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