Wednesday, December 12, 2012

China's Political System: Advantages

China's political system has been through many changes and adjustments.  It is a complex and blended political system that the Chinese seem to like. These advantages are talking about how they helped China recently and currently. The political system has been very strong for China.  Something so cherished about this system is the close relationship between the government and the people.  That is a huge part of why China's political system works so well for the country. 

1 comment:

  1. Seeing all the different aspects if China's political system in this way was really interesting. I never noticed how many components were involved, and how each one has a certain impact on the political system as a whole. Its also a little surprising to see how that the bong between the government and the people really is not really an impact- it makes me appreciate our political system a little bit more.
